Arts Support and Donations

You can now be a part of this wonderful new two-character play about the life and loves of Ernest (Papa) Hemingway, which the press and critics have hailed as the best play ever written about Hemingway's life. As an Arts Supporter or contributor, you can make a donation that will help open this play in Chicago and also help with the filming of the play for DVD release. As an individual you can become a member of the PAPA Company, LLC and own a piece of the show in Chicago - or you can make a smaller donation as an Arts Supporter.

As a company, you can be listed as a "Presenter" on the DVD and also receive a :30 second commercial spot on the DVD at the end of the play. To view an excerpt of the play go to this link:

You may contact Rhodes Productions, Inc.
in care of this web site or phone number.

Jordan Rhodes
642 Seven Lakes North
West End, NC 27376

Voice/Fax 910-673-1537
(Please call ahead to fax)
Email :

Thank You


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